Which explains how ocean currents affect global climates?

Hi I go to connexus and the answer are

1. water absorbs a lot of thermal energy releases it over time and distance.
2. They are surface currents
3. It brings warm temperatures to the eastern coast of South America.
4. It will result in more powerful Atlantic hurricanes.
I got a100 on this quick check
Glad to help any time.

thank you! 100% correct


Thanks! Able to check my answers!

Thanks Gee, got a 100%

You passed subconnexus6thgrade.

1. Water absorbs a lot of thermal energy and releases it over time and distance.

2. They are surface currents.

3. It brings warm temperatures to the eastern coast of South America. ( This is the one I got wrong I clicked : It brings warm temperatures to the western coast of South America.) Its eastern not western

It will result in more powerful Atlantic hurricanes.

Hope y'all get 100% if u get these wrong u don't go to connexus so only use these if u go to connexus

subsconnexus6thgrade is correct!!! I got 100%