If they have the time and energy ,Dina ans maggie will prune and water the shrubs

To determine if Dina and Maggie will prune and water the shrubs, we need to look at the conditions given in the statement. It states that if they have the time and energy, they will do it. We can break down the conditions as follows:

1. Time: Do Dina and Maggie have enough time to prune and water the shrubs? This requires knowing their schedule and any other commitments they may have. If they have a busy day or prior engagements, they may not have enough time.

2. Energy: Do Dina and Maggie have enough energy to prune and water the shrubs? This depends on their physical condition, stamina, and motivation. If they are tired or lacking energy, they may not be able to complete the task.

By assessing Dina and Maggie's availability and energy levels, we can determine if they will prune and water the shrubs. It is essential to have this information before making a conclusion.