Write the correct form of the verb tener

To write the correct form of the verb "tener," you need to consider the subject of the sentence and the tense you want to use. "Tener" is an irregular verb in Spanish, which means it has irregular conjugations in certain forms. Here are the different forms of "tener" in the present tense:

- Yo tengo (I have)
- Tú tienes (You have)
- Él/Ella/Usted tiene (He/She/You have)
- Nosotros/Nosotras tenemos (We have)
- Vosotros/Vosotras tenéis (You all have)
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes tienen (They/You all have)

So, depending on the subject of your sentence, choose the corresponding form of "tener." For example:

- "I have a book" = Yo tengo un libro.
- "You have a cat" = Tú tienes un gato.
- "She has a car" = Ella tiene un carro.
- "We have two tickets" = Nosotros tenemos dos boletos.
- "They have a house" = Ellos tienen una casa.

Remember to match the verb form with the subject of the sentence and the tense you want to use.