3 7/8

To understand the number 3 7/8, let's break it down:

The whole number part is 3. This means that we have 3 whole units.

The fraction part is 7/8. This means that we have 7 parts out of 8 equal parts.

To represent the mixed number 3 7/8 on a number line or to convert it into an improper fraction or decimal, we need to perform some calculations.

To convert the mixed number into an improper fraction:

Multiply the whole number (3) by the denominator of the fraction (8): 3 x 8 = 24.

Add the numerator of the fraction (7) to the result: 24 + 7 = 31.

The improper fraction equivalent of 3 7/8 is 31/8.

To represent the mixed number on a number line or to convert it into a decimal:

Divide the numerator of the fraction (7) by the denominator (8): 7 รท 8 = 0.875.

To get the decimal equivalent for the mixed number 3 7/8, add the whole number part (3) to the result of the division: 3 + 0.875 = 3.875.

Therefore, 3 7/8 can be represented as the improper fraction 31/8 or the decimal 3.875.