I subtract 14 from a certain number.i multiply the result by 3. The final answer is 3



(x-14)(3) = 3

divide both sides by 3
x-14 = 1
x = 15

To find the certain number, let's follow the steps given:

1. Subtract 14 from the certain number:
Let's represent the certain number as 'x'.
So, the first equation is: x - 14.

2. Multiply the result by 3:
The next step is to multiply the previous result by 3.
So, the equation becomes: 3 * (x - 14).

3. The final answer is 3:
According to the information given, the final answer is 3.
So, we have the equation: 3 * (x - 14) = 3.

To solve the equation and find the certain number, we can proceed as follows:

Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to isolate the expression (x - 14):
3 * (x - 14) = 3
(x - 14) = 1

Now, add 14 to both sides to isolate the 'x' term:
(x - 14) + 14 = 1 + 14
x = 15

Therefore, the certain number is 15.