I got a question, this is on Adding & subtracting negative numbers, and the queston is Evaluate -4-5+4+ (-5)−4−5+4+(−5)minus, 4, minus, 5, plus, 4, plus, left parenthesis, minus, 5, right parenthesis.

To evaluate the expression -4 - 5 + 4 + (-5) − 4 − 5 + 4 + (-5), you need to follow the order of operations, which is commonly remembered as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1:
Start by simplifying within parentheses. We have (-5) within parentheses, which remains the same.

-4 - 5 + 4 + (-5) − 4 − 5 + 4 + (-5)

Step 2:
Next, calculate the addition and subtraction from left to right. Remember that subtracting a negative number is the same as adding its positive equivalent.

-4 - 5 = -9
-9 + 4 = -5
-5 + (-5) = -10

Now, the expression becomes:

-10 + 4 + (-5) − 4 − 5 + 4 + (-5)

Step 3:
Continue evaluating the addition and subtraction from left to right.

-10 + 4 = -6
-6 + (-5) = -11
-11 − 4 = -15
-15 − 5 = -20
-20 + 4 = -16
-16 + (-5) = -21

Therefore, the simplified expression is -21.