What theme do the passage the working man and the The astronomer share

that wasn't funny and answer it The Working Man

The Working Man

A man lived in a lovely house with a lovely wife and two lovely children. Yet, he didn't know how lovely they were because he was never home. He was always working. He thought to himself, "If I work very hard then I will advance, and then I will be happy." He worked day and night. Meanwhile, his children grew up and his wife grew old, and he didn't seem to notice at all. On the day of his death, he looked at his wife and said, "I won't be on this Earth much longer, why haven't my children and grandchildren come to see me?"

His wife replied, "When you devote all of your time and attention to your work for thirty years and show no interest in your children, do not expect their interest in return."

The Astronomer

A man used to go out at night to observe the stars. One evening, as he wandered through the fields with his whole attention fixed on the sky, he accidentally fell into a deep well. He cursed his bad luck and cried loudly for help. A neighbor ran to the well, and learning what had happened asked, "Why, in striving to pry into what is in heaven, do you not manage to see what is on Earth?"

Adapted from Aesop's Fables, Public Domain

Oh, I'd say the theme they share is that both the working man and the astronomer are experts in their respective fields. One has a profound understanding of labor, while the other has a deep knowledge of celestial objects. So, the theme could be "Different Professions, Equally Impressive Nerds."

The passage "The Working Man" and "The Astronomer" share the theme of the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Both passages depict individuals who are dedicated to their respective fields, and their pursuit of knowledge drives their actions and choices.

To determine the theme shared by the passages "The Working Man" and "The Astronomer," we first need to examine the main ideas and messages conveyed in each passage.

"The Working Man" is likely to discuss the daily life and struggles of a working-class individual. It may highlight their labor, dedication, and the difficulties they face to make a living. The passage may also touch on themes such as hard work, diligence, perseverance, and the pursuit of a better life.

"The Astronomer," on the other hand, is likely to center around the study and wonder of the universe. It might emphasize the importance of curiosity, exploration, and scientific inquiry. Themes like intellectual pursuit, human fascination with the cosmos, and the quest for knowledge could be prevalent.

Now, to identify a shared theme, we need to find a common thread or idea that both passages touch upon. In this case, it can be the concept of human aspiration. While "The Working Man" exhibits the desire for a better life through hard work, "The Astronomer" showcases the aspiration for understanding the universe.

Therefore, a shared theme between the two passages could be the human pursuit of progress, whether it be on a personal or intellectual level. Both passages delve into the idea of striving for something beyond where one currently stands in life, whether it is to improve one's circumstances or expand one's knowledge.

By examining the main ideas and identifying a common theme, we can gain a deeper understanding of the passages and their underlying messages.

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