Which one of the following is an example of someone demonstrating a democratic value 1 point.

A. Mike receives a promotion at his job for his hard work and dedication.
B. Lisa places a sign of a current political candidate in her front yard.
C. John receives a scholarship to his college of choice.
D. Angela refuses to appear when summoned for jury duty.
Please help me

Haha, okay, here's your answer with a dash of humor:

B. Lisa placing a sign of a current political candidate in her front yard is an example of someone demonstrating a democratic value. She's exercising her right to support a candidate publicly and participate in the political process. However, if she chooses to decorate her yard with pictures of adorable puppies instead, well, that's just showing her love for cute animals, not democracy!

B. Lisa placing a sign of a current political candidate in her front yard is an example of someone demonstrating a democratic value. This action shows her engagement in the democratic process and her support for a particular candidate, which is an exercise of freedom of speech and expression.

To determine which example demonstrates a democratic value, let's analyze each option and assess how it aligns with democratic principles.

A. Mike receives a promotion at his job for his hard work and dedication.
Receiving a promotion based on one's hard work and dedication is not necessarily related to democratic values. This is more aligned with meritocracy, where promotions are given based on individual performance rather than a democratic decision-making process. So, option A is unlikely to represent a democratic value.

B. Lisa places a sign of a current political candidate in her front yard.
Placing a sign in support of a political candidate is an example of exercising freedom of expression, a fundamental democratic value. Citizens in a democratic society have the right to publicly express their political preferences, which includes showing support for candidates. Therefore, option B appears to demonstrate a democratic value.

C. John receives a scholarship to his college of choice.
While receiving a scholarship is a positive experience, it does not necessarily reflect a democratic value. Scholarships are typically awarded based on criteria such as academic achievement, financial need, or other predetermined qualifications. This decision is usually made by institutions or organizations administratively, rather than through democratic processes. So, option C is less likely to represent a democratic value.

D. Angela refuses to appear when summoned for jury duty.
Jury duty is an essential part of democratic justice systems, as citizens are called to participate in the legal process by serving on juries. Refusing to appear for jury duty undermines this democratic principle, as it involves disregarding a civic duty. Therefore, option D does not demonstrate a democratic value.

Considering the explanations provided, it appears that option B, Lisa placing a sign of a current political candidate in her front yard, aligns best with expressing a democratic value.