the detail on p. 199, "Of Wolves and Men"

To find the specific detail on page 199 of the book "Of Wolves and Men," you would need access to the book itself. Here is how you can go about finding the information:

1. Obtain a copy of the book: "Of Wolves and Men" is a non-fiction book written by Barry Lopez. It was first published in 1978 and has been reprinted several times. You can find a copy in your local library, bookstore, or online retailer.

2. Go to page 199: Once you have the book, locate the table of contents, index, or simply flip through the book until you reach page 199. The page numbers are typically printed at the top or bottom of the page.

3. Read the content: Once you have found page 199, read the text on that page to find the specific detail you are looking for. The information on this page could be a part of a chapter or a subsection, so make sure to read the surrounding paragraphs to get the full context.

Note: Without knowing the specific detail or topic you are referring to on page 199 of "Of Wolves and Men," I cannot provide a direct answer. However, by following these steps, you should be able to find the information you are looking for.