Which of the following describes a chemical reaction? (1 point)


pure substances on the right side of a chemical equation
pure substances on the right side of a chemical equation

pure substances reacting to form non-pure substances
pure substances reacting to form non-pure substances

pure substances on the left side of a chemical equation
pure substances on the left side of a chemical equation

pure substances reacting to form different pure substances
pure substances reacting to form different pure substances

How are chemical changes different from physical changes?(1 point)


They form new substances.
They form new substances.

They are reversible.
They are reversible.

They involve heat.
They involve heat.

They include shifts in the phase of matter.

They form new substances.

How does a balanced chemical equation demonstrate the Law of Conservation of Mass?(1 point)


it shows that no atoms have been gained or lost during the reaction
it shows that no atoms have been gained or lost during the reaction

it shows that the properties of the elements stay the same after the reaction
it shows that the properties of the elements stay the same after the reaction

it shows that all compounds remain bonded after the reaction
it shows that all compounds remain bonded after the reaction

it shows that only physical changes follow the Law of Conservation of Mass

it shows that no atoms have been gained or lost during the reaction.

Which principles are typically associated with the Republican Party? Select all that apply.

A. limited government
B. social justice
C. progressive ideals
D. traditional values

A. limited government and D. traditional values.

Use the map to answer the question.

Based on the way Arkansas voted in this presidential election, which decade is this map from?
A. the 1950s
B. the 1980s
C. the 2000s
D. the 2010s

D. the 2010s.

Citizens of a country elect representatives for the national legislature. Those representatives then choose a well-respected member of the majority party to be the one who will make sure that laws are properly carried out. What type of democratic system is described in this situation?

A. a federal system
B. a unitary system
C. a presidential system
D. a parliamentary system

D. a parliamentary system.