Can someone help me with this? This is what I submitted but my teacher gave me a 68% on it because I didn't pair the right people with the right ideas, plus my "works cited page wasn't formatted right." I just need someone to help me read through and double-check to see what to fix. Thanks!!

Here is my essay:
The U.S. Constitution was influenced by a number of political thinkers and European legal theories, such as Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and John Locke.
Famous political philosopher Thomas Hobbes' ideas had an effect on the U.S. Constitution. The ideas that support modern western political philosophy were developed by the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes. Hobbes wrote "The Leviathan," a book that explores individual rights. The second clause of the U.S. Constitution states, "We believe these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are the Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." This idea of equality for all men is said to have been inspired by Thomas Hobbes.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau is another outstanding philosopher whose thoughts had an impact on the U.S. Constitution. German philosopher and author Jean-Jacques Rousseau had a significant impact on the French Revolution. In one of his writings, he included this "Although he is free at birth, man is always in chains. The people who consider themselves to be others' masters are actually their larger slaves." This indicates that he thought it was wicked to enslave other people and that all men are free and equal. But he also supported a system of governance in which other people were in charge. Jean-Jacques Rousseau therefore had an impact on our Constitution and our system of governance.
Another English philosopher who had an impact on our U.S. Constitution is John Locke. The natural right to life, health, liberty, and property is what makes Locke the Father of Classical Liberalism. His ideas and opinions inspired the creation of our Declaration of Independence. Locke has so contributed to shaping our past in several ways.
To sum up, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau are significant philosophical philosophers whose ideas have influenced our culture and history. After all, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution did not just materialize in the sky.

I used Britanica and the History website. (there were actual URLs here but this website won't let me put them in. Sorry!)

Pls help I really need this today QwQ my grade is suffering because my teacher is quite picky about this and I worked hard on the essay to begin with. I'd really appreciate just ANYTHING that will help my grade and help me understand. Thanks in advance