A man had to visit a friend in almond town which is 340 km away. He took 2 hours to reach Cashew town which is 150 km away an stayed there 1 1/2 hours for lunch. He continued his journey for another 2 1/2 hours to reach his destination. Graph showing the distance

To create a graph showing the distance traveled by the man on his journey, we can use a line graph.

First, we need to determine the time taken for each part of the journey and the corresponding distances.

1. The man traveled 150 km in 2 hours to reach Cashew town.
2. He stayed in Cashew town for 1 1/2 hours (or 1.5 hours).
3. After lunch, he continued his journey for 2 1/2 hours.
4. Finally, he reached his destination, Almond town, after a total of 340 km.

Now, we can plot the points on the graph:

- At the start, the distance is 0 km (before the journey begins).
- After 2 hours, the distance is 150 km (at Cashew town).
- After 3.5 hours (2 hours + 1.5 hours), the distance is still 150 km (during the lunch break).
- After 6 hours (2 hours + 1.5 hours + 2.5 hours), the distance is 340 km (at Almond town).

The graph should have time (in hours) on the x-axis and distance (in km) on the y-axis. It will start from the point (0, 0) and follow these points: (2, 150), (3.5, 150), and (6, 340).

By connecting these points with straight lines, the resulting graph will show how the distance traveled changes over time during the man's journey.