Given the points A(1,0,1), B(2,3,0), C(-1,1,4), and D(0,3,2), find the volume of the parallelepiped

What's the lesson number I think I've done that on already??

Pick a point as the common starting point of 3 vectors, looks like A(1,0,1)

is the simplest
vector AB = <1,3,-1> .... vector AC = <-2, 1,3> ..... vector AD = <-1, 3, 1>

volume = | AB∙(AC x AD) |
= | AB∙<-8,-1,-5> | <----- assuming you know how to find cross-product
= | <1,3,-1> ∙ <-8,-1,-5> |
= | -8 -3 +5 |
= 6

check my arithmetic.