The cows in the field __ the grass, and the bird on the fence __. The children on their way to school __ at the bird. The stream amount the trees __ quickly.

It seems that a part of the sentence is missing. In order to determine the missing words, let's analyze the clues provided.

1. The cows in the field __ the grass.
2. The bird on the fence __.
3. The children on their way to school __ at the bird.
4. The stream __ the trees __ quickly.

Let's break it down:

1. The cows in the field __ the grass.
Based on the clues given, the cows could be doing something with the grass. One possibility is that the cows are eating the grass. Therefore, we can fill in the blank with "eat" to complete the sentence: "The cows in the field eat the grass."

2. The bird on the fence __.
From the given sentence, it seems that the bird is on the fence, but we don't have any information about what it's doing. To determine the missing word, we need more context or a specific action related to the bird. Without additional information, we cannot determine the missing word.

3. The children on their way to school __ at the bird.
Here, we see that the children are doing something related to the bird. In this case, "looking" seems like a logical action the children might be doing. Therefore, we can fill in the blank with "look" to complete the sentence: "The children on their way to school look at the bird."

4. The stream __ the trees __ quickly.
In this sentence, we have the word "stream" and "trees" so it appears that the stream has some action related to the trees. One possibility is that the stream is flowing or running among the trees at a fast pace. Therefore, we can fill in the blanks with "flows" and "quickly" to complete the sentence: "The stream flows among the trees quickly."

To summarize:
- The cows in the field eat the grass.
- The bird on the fence: Missing word.
- The children on their way to school look at the bird.
- The stream flows among the trees quickly.