A trader is given 15% discount on goods bought from a factory. If the original price of an item in the factory is 45000 cedis, calculate

I) the discount on items
II) the amount the trader paid for them

To calculate the discount and the amount paid by the trader for the items, follow these steps:

I) Calculate the discount on the items:
1. Convert the discount percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100: 15% ÷ 100 = 0.15.
2. Multiply the original price by the discount decimal: 45000 cedis × 0.15 = 6750 cedis.
Therefore, the discount on the items is 6750 cedis.

II) Calculate the amount the trader paid for the items:
1. Subtract the discount amount from the original price: 45000 cedis - 6750 cedis = 38250 cedis.
Therefore, the trader paid 38250 cedis for the items after the discount.