List two functions that should be kept constant

To identify two functions that should be kept constant, we need to understand the concept of independent and dependent variables in mathematical functions.

1. Constant Function: A constant function is a function that remains the same, irrespective of the value of the input variable. In other words, the output of the function does not change. For example, f(x) = c, where c is a constant value, is a constant function. It will always yield the same value regardless of the value of x.

2. Identity Function: An identity function is a function where the output is equal to the input. In other words, for every value of x, the function will return the same value. For example, f(x) = x is the identity function, as it returns the input value as is.

Both the constant function and identity function should be kept constant because their purpose is to maintain a fixed value or to ensure that the output remains exactly the same as the input, respectively.