Without calculating, which of the following quotients can you determine will be positive?(1 point)

657 ÷ (−23)
−725 ÷ (−29)
−111 ÷ 37
1,001 ÷ (−143)

i got the answers, thank me later after i went through suffering to help you guys with the answers :,)

1. -725 ÷ (-29)

2. -3/-7

3. 7

4. 2 1/3

5. Division is neither commutative nor associative

100% Connexus

thanks traveler a hundred percent. You're the best thanks so much

the one where the largest absolute value is positive

It’s b


Tysm 😎

In an essay of 3-5 paragraphs, analyze the viewpoints of both the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists regarding the ratification of the Constitution. Explain how these arguments were settled.

To determine which quotients will be positive without calculating, we need to analyze the signs of the numbers involved.

1. 657 ÷ (-23):
Since the dividend (657) is positive and the divisor (-23) is negative, the quotient will be negative.

2. -725 ÷ (-29):
Both the dividend (-725) and the divisor (-29) are negative, so the quotient will be positive.

3. -111 ÷ 37:
The dividend (-111) is negative, and the divisor (37) is positive. Thus, the quotient will be negative.

4. 1,001 ÷ (-143):
The dividend (1,001) is positive, and the divisor (-143) is negative. Therefore, the quotient will be negative.

From the above analysis, we can determine that only the quotient -725 ÷ (-29) will be positive.

Without calculating, which of the following quotients can you determine will be positive?(1 point)

657 ÷ (−23)
−725 ÷ (−29)
−111 ÷ 37
1,001 ÷ (−143)