Maria is writing a report or three girls measurements over a five-year period Which kind of visual could she use in her report to share the data she found

Maria can use a line graph to visually represent the measurements of three girls over a five-year period in her report. A line graph is effective in showing changes and trends over time.

Here's how Maria can create a line graph:

1. Collect the data: Gather the measurements of the three girls for each year. Ensure that the measurements are recorded accurately and organized systematically.

2. Choose the appropriate axes: Select the variables that will be represented on the X-axis (horizontal axis) and the Y-axis (vertical axis). The X-axis usually represents time, so Maria can place the five-year period here. The Y-axis will hold the measurements, so Maria can label it accordingly (e.g., height, weight).

3. Determine the scale: Assign appropriate intervals to the X-axis and Y-axis based on the range of the measurements. For example, if the height measurements range from 100 cm to 180 cm, Maria might choose an interval of 20 cm on the Y-axis.

4. Plot the data points: On the graph paper or using graphing software, plot each measurement point for the three girls at the corresponding year. Connect the points with lines to visualize the trend in measurements over time.

5. Add labels and titles: Label each axis with its corresponding measurement and include a clear title that summarizes the purpose of the graph (e.g., "Measurements of Three Girls over Five Years").

6. Enhance the graph (optional): If needed, Maria can make the graph more visually appealing by adding colors, legends, or additional annotations to highlight specific points or patterns in the data.

Remember, the label and title should help the reader understand what the graph represents and what information it conveys.