1. The ________ is something that should be tested according to the comfort level of the golfer.

A. Grip
B. Putting Green
C. Sand trap
D. Tee

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand which option involves testing according to the comfort level of the golfer. Let's consider each option:

A. Grip: The grip of the golf club is an important factor in a golfer's performance, but it is not directly related to testing according to comfort level.

B. Putting Green: The putting green is where golfers attempt to make short shots with the aim of sinking the ball into the hole. While comfort level is a consideration in putting, it does not involve specific testing.

C. Sand trap: A sand trap, also known as a bunker, is a hazard on a golf course filled with sand. Testing according to comfort level is not typically associated with sand traps.

D. Tee: The tee is a small peg that a golfer places the ball on to elevate it off the ground when beginning a hole. Testing according to comfort level may apply to selecting the appropriate tee height.

Based on the options provided, the answer to the question is D. Tee.