List 10 item found at home and there subject

Sure! Here are 10 common items found at home and their respective subjects or purposes:

1. Couch - Subject: Comfortable seating
- It is used for lounging, relaxing, or socializing in the living room or family room.

2. Refrigerator - Subject: Food preservation and storage
- It is used to keep perishable food items fresh and prevent them from spoiling.

3. Television - Subject: Entertainment and information
- It is used to watch movies, TV shows, news, and other forms of media.

4. Bed - Subject: Rest and sleep
- It is used for a comfortable and supportive sleep surface.

5. Dining table - Subject: Mealtime gatherings and eating
- It is used for dining and can accommodate family and friends during mealtime.

6. Microwave - Subject: Quick food heating and cooking
- It is used to heat or cook food quickly through the use of microwaves.

7. Washing machine - Subject: Laundry and clothing care
- It is used to wash clothes and other fabrics efficiently.

8. Bookshelf - Subject: Storage and display of books and other items
- It provides a place to organize and showcase books, decorative objects, and more.

9. Vacuum cleaner - Subject: Cleaning floors and surfaces
- It is used to remove dust, dirt, and debris from carpets, rugs, and other surfaces.

10. Computer - Subject: Productivity, communication, and entertainment
- It is used for various tasks like work, communication, browsing the internet, and entertainment purposes.

By understanding the purpose or subject of each item, it becomes easier to see how they contribute to the functionalities and activities within a household.