Should my 18 month old talk gibberish?

Yes, it is completely normal for an 18-month-old to engage in babbling or what may seem like gibberish. At this age, children are typically in the early stages of language development and are experimenting with different sounds and syllables. This babbling is an important part of language acquisition and serves as a foundation for later speech and communication skills.

If you are concerned about your child's language development, here's what you can do:

1. Observe: Pay attention to your child's communication skills and see if there are any other areas where they may be falling behind, such as responding to their name, understanding simple commands, or showing interest in communicating with others.

2. Interact: Engage in conversations with your child, even if they consist of babbling. Respond to their sounds and gestures, and try to imitate their vocalizations. This back-and-forth interaction can encourage their communication skills.

3. Provide a language-rich environment: Surround your child with language by talking, singing, reading books, and describing everyday activities. Language exposure is crucial for their development.

4. Consult a professional: If you notice significant delays in your child's language development or have concerns about their progress, it is always a good idea to consult a pediatrician or a speech-language pathologist. These professionals can provide expert guidance and assess your child's specific needs.

Remember, every child develops at their own pace, and while some may start talking earlier, others may take more time. Trust your instincts as a parent and seek help if you have concerns.