Orpheus faced three obstacles on his journey out of the underworld. What were these three obstacles?

To find the three obstacles that Orpheus faced on his journey out of the underworld, we can consult Greek mythology, the source of this story. One of the best ways to access information on Greek mythology is through books or online resources that cover ancient Greek myths.

1. Obstacle 1: Charon, the ferryman of the underworld - As per the legend, Orpheus had to convince Charon to allow him to cross the River Styx, which separated the realm of the living from the realm of the dead. Typically, Charon only transported the souls of the deceased and did not allow living beings to cross the river. Orpheus used his musical talents to enchant Charon and gain passage across the river.

2. Obstacle 2: Cerberus, the three-headed dog - After crossing the River Styx, Orpheus encountered Cerberus, the fierce guardian of the underworld. Cerberus was known for preventing anyone from entering or leaving the underworld. Orpheus managed to tame the ferocious dog by playing his lyre, soothing Cerberus with his enchanting music.

3. Obstacle 3: Hades and Persephone - Finally, Orpheus had to face Hades, the god of the underworld, and Persephone, his wife. Orpheus used his enchanting music once again to sway their hearts and convince them to allow him to bring his beloved wife, Eurydice, back with him to the realm of the living. However, Hades set one condition: Orpheus must not look back at Eurydice until they reached the world above. Unfortunately, Orpheus could not resist and looked back just before reaching the surface, causing Eurydice to be lost forever.

By researching or reading more about Greek mythology, you can find detailed accounts and variations of the obstacles faced by Orpheus in his quest to rescue Eurydice from the underworld.