Abcde ~ ghjdf complete the statement

B gh/dj=ab/

To complete the statement "Abcde ~ ghjdf", we need to determine the values of the variables.

If we assume that each letter represents a single digit, we can write the given equation as follows:

A * 10000 + b * 1000 + c * 100 + d * 10 + e = g * 10000 + h * 1000 + j * 100 + d * 10 + f

Now, let's look at the options:

A. h = ?

We don't have enough information to determine the value of h based on the given equation. The value of h could be any digit from 0 to 9.

B. (gh / dj) = (ab / ?)

Again, we don't have enough information to determine the value on the right-hand side of the equation. The value of the denominator could be any digit from 0 to 9.

In summary, we cannot fully complete the statement without additional information.