1. During the hunting and gathering period, which o the following characteristics allowed civilizations to


During the hunting and gathering period, civilizations did not yet exist. Instead, humans lived in small groups and relied on hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants for survival. It was only later, with the development of agriculture, that civilizations began to form.

If you want to learn more about the characteristics that allowed civilizations to flourish, we can focus on the period known as the Neolithic Revolution, which is when agriculture was first developed. During this time, several key characteristics led to the rise of civilizations:

1. Agriculture: The development of agriculture allowed humans to settle in one place and cultivate crops. This led to a more stable food supply and the ability to support larger populations.

2. Surplus Food: With agriculture, people were able to produce more food than they needed for immediate consumption. This surplus allowed for the growth of non-food-producing professions, such as artisans, traders, and rulers.

3. Division of Labor: As civilizations grew, people began specializing in specific tasks or professions. This division of labor allowed for increased productivity and efficiency, leading to the development of complex social structures.

4. Social Organization: As populations grew and societies became more complex, social hierarchies and institutions emerged. This included systems of governance, religious beliefs, and legal systems, which helped maintain order and stability within the civilization.

5. Technological Advances: With the development of agriculture came advancements in technology, such as the invention of tools and the domestication of animals. These technological innovations increased productivity and enhanced the overall quality of life.

By examining these characteristics, we can understand how the transition from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture laid the foundation for the rise of civilizations.