Which expressions are equivalent to (185)38?

Select all that apply.

185+38185+38, , ,

1851⋅381851⋅38, , ,

1848818488, , ,

18458+3818458+38, , ,

185⋅38185⋅38, , ,


To determine which expressions are equivalent to (185)38, we can simplify the expression step by step.

First, let's simplify (185)38:
(185)38 = 185 + 38 = 223

Now, let's check each expression:

Expression 185+38185+38:
185 + 38 = 223
This expression is equivalent to (185)38.

Expression 1851⋅381851⋅38:
1851 ⋅ 38 = 70338
This expression is NOT equivalent to (185)38.

Expression 1848818488:
This is a numerical representation with no operations. It does not equal 223, so it is NOT equivalent to (185)38.

Expression 18458+3818458+38:
18458 + 38 = 18496
This expression is NOT equivalent to (185)38.

Expression 185⋅38185⋅38:
185 ⋅ 38185 ⋅ 38 = 247795900
This expression is NOT equivalent to (185)38.

Expression 18158:
This is a numerical representation with no operations. It does not equal 223, so it is NOT equivalent to (185)38.

Therefore, the expressions that are equivalent to (185)38 are:
- 185+38