a goal is scored in soccer when ?

A goal is scored in soccer when the ball crosses the goal line between the goalposts and under the crossbar, without committing any rule violations. To determine whether a goal has been scored, the referee and the assistant referees (also known as linesmen) play a crucial role in making the decision.

Here are the steps involved in determining if a goal has been scored in soccer:

1. Positioning: The referee and assistant referees take up their positions on the field to have the best possible view of the goal area.

2. Ball crossing the goal line: To score a goal, the entire ball must pass over the goal line between the goalposts and under the crossbar. The lines on the field indicate the goal line.

3. Referee's decision: The referee is responsible for determining whether a goal has been scored. The referee may consult with the assistant referees if needed. If the referee decides a goal has been scored, they signal this by pointing to the center spot, indicating that the game should restart with a kickoff.

4. Use of goal-line technology: In some high-level competitions, goal-line technology is utilized to assist in decision-making. This technology uses cameras and sensors to accurately determine whether the ball has crossed the goal line.

It's important to note that the decision can be reviewed with the help of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) technology in certain leagues and tournaments. VAR allows officials to review questionable decisions made by the referee, helping to ensure accuracy in goal decisions.

In summary, a goal is scored in soccer when the ball crosses the goal line between the goalposts and under the crossbar, as determined by the referee and assistant referees or through the use of goal-line technology.