In 3–5 sentences, describe a character that is stingy with money and dishonest. Include allusions to Scrooge and Pinocchio or two other suitable, well-known allusions in your response. (4 points

Meet Harold Pennyfeather, a character whose love for money is only surpassed by his knack for deception. Like Scrooge, Harold scorns generosity and is haunted by the constant jingle of his coins, clinging to every last penny as if it were his last breath. Like Pinocchio, his lies have a habit of growing longer noses, as he spins elaborate tales to escape creditors and swindle the unsuspecting. Harold Pennyfeather embodies a miserliness that rivals Scrooge's tight-fisted grip and a dishonesty that could turn even Pinocchio green with envy.

A character that is stingy with money and dishonest can be described as someone who hoards their wealth while engaging in deceitful practices. This character can be likened to Scrooge, the iconic character from Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," who was notorious for his extreme frugality and greed. Additionally, the character can be compared to Pinocchio, the wooden puppet from Carlo Collodi's fairy tale, who was known for his dishonesty and tendency to stretch the truth. These well-known allusions emphasize the character's tightfistedness and lack of moral integrity.

A character who is both stingy with money and dishonest can be described as a combination of Scrooge and Pinocchio. This character exhibits Scrooge's excessive frugality, refusing to spend a penny and constantly hoarding their wealth. Additionally, like Pinocchio, they are dishonest and deceitful, always spinning tales and telling lies to manipulate others for their own personal gain. This character embodies the worst traits of these two well-known allusions, creating a truly despicable and untrustworthy individual.