Order the following in order of increasing bond vibration frequency: O-H, sp3 C-H,

sp C-H, sp2 C-H
A. O-H < sp3 C-H < sp C-H < sp2 C-H
B. sp3 C-H < O-H < sp2 C-H < sp C-H
C. sp2 C-H < sp3 C-H < sp C-H < O-H
D. sp3 C-H < sp2 C-H < sp C-H < O-H
E. O-H < sp C-H < sp3 C-H < sp2 C-H

how can you determine this?

To determine the order of increasing bond vibration frequency, we need to consider the following factors:

1. Bond Length: Generally, shorter bonds have higher bond vibration frequencies because they are stiffer.

2. Bond Strength: Stronger bonds have higher bond vibration frequencies because they require more energy to vibrate.

3. Hybridization: Hybridization affects bond strength and bond length. Bonds involving more s character are generally stronger and shorter.

Now let's analyze each bond type mentioned in the options:

A. O-H: This bond involves oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, and the O-H bond is relatively strong. It is a polar covalent bond. In terms of hybridization, oxygen in most cases is sp3 hybridized.

B. sp3 C-H: This bond involves a carbon atom hybridized with four sigma bonds. It is a nonpolar covalent bond. It is commonly found in alkanes such as methane (CH4).

C. sp C-H: This bond involves a carbon atom hybridized with one sigma bond and two pi bonds. It is a nonpolar covalent bond. It is commonly found in alkynes (CnHn-2) such as ethyne (C2H2).

D. sp2 C-H: This bond involves a carbon atom hybridized with three sigma bonds and one pi bond. It is a nonpolar covalent bond. It is commonly found in alkenes such as ethene (C2H4).

Analyzing the factors mentioned earlier:

1. Bond Length: O-H bond < sp3 C-H bond < sp2 C-H bond < sp C-H bond. Oxygen has a smaller atomic radius than carbon, and the bond length generally decreases as the hybridization increases.

2. Bond Strength: O-H bond > sp3 C-H bond > sp2 C-H bond > sp C-H bond. Oxygen is more electronegative than carbon, resulting in a stronger bond.

3. Hybridization: O-H bond involves sp3 hybridization, sp3 C-H bond involves sp3 hybridization, sp2 C-H bond involves sp2 hybridization, and sp C-H bond involves sp hybridization.

Considering these factors, the correct order of increasing bond vibration frequency would be:

D. sp3 C-H < sp2 C-H < sp C-H < O-H.