Which of the following was an achievement of the US government under the articles of confederation

To determine an achievement of the US government under the Articles of Confederation, you would need to understand the historical context and the main features of the Articles. The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States, in effect from 1781 to 1789. It established a weak central government with most power residing in the individual states. While the Articles had several limitations and shortcomings, one notable achievement was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

The Northwest Ordinance was passed by the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation. It provided a framework for organizing new territories and admitting them to the Union as states. This law established a systematic process for land surveying, settlement, and governance of the Northwest Territory (areas that would later become the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin).

The Northwest Ordinance is considered an achievement because it not only outlined a clear plan for territorial expansion but also instituted measures promoting education, protection of individual rights, and the eventual abolition of slavery in the territory.

To find additional achievements of the US government under the Articles of Confederation, you could further research the historical records, primary sources, or scholarly articles that discuss this time period. Understanding the broader historical context and the limitations of the Articles will help provide a comprehensive answer to your question.