Where may you learn more about comparing and contrasting

B. the 21st century skills tutorials in the backpack web links section

A, D. Your Learning Coach, Another student
A, C. Online textbook, the National Archives



connexus kid is right! <3

To learn more about comparing and contrasting, you can find resources in the following places:

1. Books or textbooks: Visit your local library or bookstore and look for books on writing, literature, or critical thinking. These books often contain chapters or sections on comparing and contrasting.

2. Online articles and websites: Use search engines to look for articles or websites that provide guides, tips, or examples of comparing and contrasting. Reputable educational websites, academic journals, or writing centers of universities can be good sources.

3. Online courses or tutorials: Many websites offer free or paid courses specifically focused on improving your comparing and contrasting skills. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, or Khan Academy often offer writing or critical thinking courses that can teach you the foundations of effective comparison and contrast.

4. Online forums or discussion boards: Join forums or discussion boards related to writing, literature, or education. Ask for recommendations or tips from other members who have experience in comparing and contrasting.

5. Writing guides or manuals: Look for writing guides or manuals that provide tips and strategies for comparing and contrasting. These resources often offer step-by-step instructions and examples to help you understand and apply the concepts effectively.

Remember, learning about comparing and contrasting is not just about passively reading or watching materials. It's important to actively practice the skills you learn by applying them in your own writing or by analyzing examples in literature or other texts.