What would Julian’s sales have to be for him to earn $2000 in one month?

To find out Julian's required sales to earn $2000 in one month, we need more information about his commission rate or any other details. Calculating the sales required to reach a certain income depends on factors such as the commission rate, fixed salary, or any other incentives.

If we assume Julian only earns commission without any other fixed income, we would need to know his commission rate to calculate the required sales.

For instance, if Julian's commission rate is 10%, we can set up the equation:

Sales * Commission Rate = Earnings
where Sales is the amount of products/services sold, Commission Rate is the percentage of commission earned per sale, and Earnings is the desired income.

Now, we can rearrange the equation to solve for Sales:
Sales = Earnings / Commission Rate

Using the given information that Julian wants to earn $2000, and assuming a commission rate of 10%, we can find his required sales:

Sales = $2000 / 0.10
Sales = $20,000

Therefore, Julian would need to make $20,000 in sales in one month to earn $2000, assuming a 10% commission rate.