How do you ask someone what they like in Spanish?

To ask someone what they like in Spanish, you can use the following question:

"¿Qué te gusta?"

Here's a breakdown of the question:

- "¿Qué" means "what."
- "te" is the indirect object pronoun used to mean "you."
- "gusta" comes from the verb "gustar," which means "to like."

So, when you put it all together, "¿Qué te gusta?" translates to "What do you like?"

When communicating in Spanish, it is important to note that the verb "gustar" works differently than its English translation. In Spanish, it is structured as "gustar" + the thing being liked + the indirect object pronoun. For example, if you wanted to ask someone if they like cats, you would say "¿Te gustan los gatos?" (Do you like cats?), where "te" is the indirect object pronoun referring to "you" and "los gatos" means "cats."