What does mission control handle during a space mission

Mission Control is responsible for managing and overseeing various aspects of a space mission. Here's how you can explain it:

1. Communication: Mission Control handles all communication between the crew in space and ground-based teams. This includes voice communication, telemetry data, and video feeds. They ensure that the astronauts and mission personnel can communicate effectively and safely.

2. Flight Planning and Control: Mission Control develops and executes the flight plan for the mission. They calculate the trajectory, determine the appropriate burns or maneuvers, and make real-time adjustments as necessary. Mission Control also monitors the spacecraft's systems and makes critical decisions to ensure the mission's success.

3. Safety and Emergency Response: Mission Control continuously monitors the spacecraft for any potential issues or emergencies. They have detailed procedures in place to handle various contingencies, including system failures, medical emergencies, or spacewalk mishaps. Mission Control provides guidance and support to the crew to mitigate risks and ensure their safety.

4. Navigation and Tracking: Mission Control employs sophisticated systems to track the spacecraft's position, velocity, and orientation in space. They use this data to ensure the spacecraft is on the right path and within the desired orbit. If necessary, Mission Control can make navigation adjustments to correct any deviations.

5. Science and Mission Objectives: Mission Control works closely with the scientific teams involved in the mission. They coordinate the collection of scientific data, help prioritize experiments, and make decisions regarding the allocation of resources. Mission Control ensures that the mission's scientific objectives are being met.

6. Ground Support: Mission Control provides support to the crew and assists them with tasks such as maintaining life support systems, managing power and resources, and troubleshooting technical issues. They also help coordinate spacewalks, cargo transfers, and other mission-related activities.

To summarize, Mission Control handles communication, flight planning, safety, emergency response, navigation, science objectives, and ground support during a space mission. They play a critical role in managing and coordinating all aspects of the mission to ensure its success.