Which of the two system in figure 4 do you think will need the largest motor ? Explain the answer.

To determine which system in Figure 4 will require the largest motor, we need to analyze the characteristics of both systems and compare their power requirements.

To start, we should identify the components of each system and understand how they contribute to power usage. Without the figure, I cannot provide specific information about the systems, so I will provide a general approach to analyze the situation.

1. Identify the Load: Determine the type of load connected to each system. Is it a heavy object that requires considerable force to move or lift? Or is it a lighter load that requires less power?

2. Consider the Motion: Next, analyze the type of motion involved in each system. Does the load require constant motion, such as in a conveyor belt system? Or is it intermittent, like in a lifting system that operates periodically?

3. Calculate Work Done: Calculate the total work done by each system to move the load. Work is determined by the force applied and the distance traveled. If the load requires a significant force and has to travel a long distance, it will require more work and thus more power.

4. Account for Efficiency: Consider the overall efficiency of each system. Efficiency is determined by how effectively the power is utilized, including factors like friction and energy losses. If one system is less efficient, it may require a larger motor to compensate for these losses.

Based on this analysis, you should be able to identify which system requires the largest motor. Factors such as load weight, distance of travel, type of motion, and system efficiency will all impact the power requirements.