Which word part is added to an affix to make a new word?(1 point)

a letter
a letter

a root
a root

a suffix
a suffix

a prefix

The word part that is added to an affix to make a new word is a prefix.

To determine this answer, you can break down the question and analyze the options. The question is asking for the word part that is added to an affix to create a new word.

The first option, "a letter," is not correct because adding a single letter to an affix would not necessarily create a new word.

The second option, "a root," is also not correct because an affix is typically added to a root word to modify or change its meaning, rather than adding a root to an affix.

The third option, "a suffix," is not correct either because a suffix is an affix that is added to the end of a word, rather than being the word part added to an affix.

The correct answer is the fourth option, "a prefix." A prefix is an affix that is added at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. For example, the prefix "un-" added to the word "happy" creates the new word "unhappy," changing the meaning from "happy" to "not happy."