1.Determine which sentence below uses an adverbial prepositional phrase.(1 point)

The boy on the chair read the magazine article.
The boy on the chair read the magazine article.

Roy served the meal on his best dishes.
Roy served the meal on his best dishes.

Alli ate several delicious chocolate chip cookies.
Alli ate several delicious chocolate chip cookies.

The ocean waves rolled, and the wind roared.

2.Read the following sentence to determine its form.

Kalin had been practicing his skateboarding tricks for ten months although he fell during the competition.

(1 point)

compound sentence
compound sentence

run-on sentence
run-on sentence

simple sentence
simple sentence

complex sentence

3.Determine which sentence contains the relationship of sequence. (1 point)

The gate opened to let us in; finally, it was our turn to go on the ride.
The gate opened to let us in; finally, it was our turn to go on the ride.

She wanted to go see a new movie; likewise, all of her friends did too.
She wanted to go see a new movie; likewise, all of her friends did too.

He ate a hamburger; in addition to this, he ate a hot dog at the picnic.
He ate a hamburger; in addition to this, he ate a hot dog at the picnic.

He made his world-famous spaghetti; of course, I ate every bite of it.
He made his world-famous spaghetti; of course, I ate every bite of it.
4.Which statement uses a subordinating conjunction that shows contrast?(1 point)

I really wanted to win as I was the best in this category overall.
I really wanted to win as I was the best in this category overall.

I lost the match even though I had practiced each chess move.
I lost the match even though I had practiced each chess move.

The dangerous thunderstorm continued until evening was over.
The dangerous thunderstorm continued until evening was over.

I was overly prepared whereas I was eager to begin the battle.
5.Which easily confused words correctly fill in the blanks? Select the correct answer from the list.(1 point)
I she it down on that table over there.
6.Drag each item into the correct location. (2 points)
Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
Which resource would one find the pronunciation of a word?
Which resource shows the synonyms and antonyms of a word?
Which resource provides a list of words and their definitions at the end of a text?
7.Which sentences have correctly placed commas? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

During the dig, the construction workers made sure to wear their safety gear.
During the dig, the construction workers made sure to wear their safety gear.

My sister a trained bus driver, volunteered to drive us to the store.
My sister a trained bus driver, volunteered to drive us to the store.

After, the lights were turned down the movie began.
After, the lights were turned down the movie began.

I chose to adopt a Labrador puppy, my favorite type, from the shelter.
I chose to adopt a Labrador puppy, my favorite type, from the shelter.

Because, we forgot our gloves we couldn't build, the snow fort outside.
8.Determine whether the given word is a prefix, suffix, or root word.(2 points)
Prefix Suffix Root
Prefix – auto
Suffix – auto
Root – auto
Prefix – ive
Suffix – ive
Root – ive
Prefix – uni
Suffix – uni
Root – uni
Prefix – ist
Suffix – ist
Root – ist
Prefix – arch
Suffix – arch
Root – arch
9.Determine whether each sentence has a double negative, an incorrect intensive pronoun, or slang.(2 points)
Double Negative Incorrect Intensive Pronoun Slang
The manager hisself took the mop and cleaned up the mess.
Double Negative – The manager hisself took the mop and cleaned up the mess.
Incorrect Intensive Pronoun – The manager hisself took the mop and cleaned up the mess.
Slang – The manager hisself took the mop and cleaned up the mess.
Because I studied, the test was no sweat.
Double Negative – Because I studied, the test was no sweat.
Incorrect Intensive Pronoun – Because I studied, the test was no sweat.
Slang – Because I studied, the test was no sweat.
The amusement park was way cool!
Double Negative – The amusement park was way cool!
Incorrect Intensive Pronoun – The amusement park was way cool!
Slang – The amusement park was way cool!
She couldn't hardly fit the book in her purse.
Double Negative – She couldn't hardly fit the book in her purse.
Incorrect Intensive Pronoun – She couldn't hardly fit the book in her purse.
Slang – She couldn't hardly fit the book in her purse.
We didn't tell nobody about the broken window.
Double Negative – We didn't tell nobody about the broken window.
Incorrect Intensive Pronoun – We didn't tell nobody about the broken window.
Slang – We didn't tell nobody about the broken window.
10.Use the sentences to complete the activity.

Today I learned some sick stuff about volcanoes! The hot, dangerous stuff comes outta the top where it sometimes goes boom! The red stuff can be sticky or runny. These things cause lotsa damage. But they can help out sometimes, too.

Revise the sentences so that they could be used in a report for this course. Be sure to remove any informal language and use jargon where appropriate.

(4 points)

1. The sentence that uses an adverbial prepositional phrase is: "Roy served the meal on his best dishes." The prepositional phrase "on his best dishes" modifies the verb "served" and indicates where the meal was served.

To determine this, you need to identify the prepositional phrases in each sentence and determine if they modify the verb, adjective, or adverb. In this case, "on his best dishes" modifies the verb "served."

2. The sentence form is a complex sentence. This is because it consists of one independent clause ("Kalin had been practicing his skateboarding tricks for ten months") and one dependent clause ("although he fell during the competition").

To determine the sentence form, you need to identify the independent and dependent clauses in the sentence. In this case, the presence of the dependent clause indicates that it is a complex sentence.

3. The sentence that contains the relationship of sequence is: "The gate opened to let us in; finally, it was our turn to go on the ride." The transition word "finally" indicates the sequence of events, with the opening of the gate followed by their turn to go on the ride.

To determine this relationship, you need to look for transition words or phrases that indicate a sequence of events. In this case, "finally" indicates the sequence.

4. The statement that uses a subordinating conjunction that shows contrast is: "I really wanted to win as I was the best in this category overall." The subordinating conjunction "as" shows contrast by indicating that despite being the best, the speaker did not win.

To determine this, you need to identify the subordinating conjunctions in each statement and determine if they indicate contrast. In this case, "as" shows contrast by indicating the speaker's desire to win despite being the best.

5. The correct words to fill in the blanks are: "I put it down on that table over there." The pronoun "it" is used to refer to an object, and "there" indicates the location of the table.

To determine the correct words, you need to identify the pronoun and the appropriate adverb indicating location. In this case, "it" is the correct pronoun for referring to an object, and "there" is the appropriate adverb indicating location.

6. - Which resource would one find the pronunciation of a word? (Dictionary)
- Which resource shows the synonyms and antonyms of a word? (Thesaurus)
- Which resource provides a list of words and their definitions at the end of a text? (Glossary)

To answer these questions, you need to understand the purpose of each resource. A dictionary provides word pronunciations, a thesaurus provides synonyms and antonyms, and a glossary provides definitions of words used in a specific text.

7. The sentences that have correctly placed commas are:
- "During the dig, the construction workers made sure to wear their safety gear."
- "I chose to adopt a Labrador puppy, my favorite type, from the shelter."

To determine if the commas are correctly placed, you need to identify if they are used to separate items in a series or to set off non-essential information. In these sentences, the commas are used to set off non-essential information ("the construction workers" and "my favorite type") without affecting the overall meaning of the sentences.

8. The given words are:
- "auto" is a root word.
- "ive" is a suffix.
- "uni" is a root word.
- "ist" is a suffix.
- "arch" is a root word.

To determine the type of each word, you need to understand the meanings of prefixes, suffixes, and root words. A prefix is added to the beginning of a word, a suffix is added to the end of a word, and a root word is the base or core of a word.

9. The sentences have the following:
- "The manager hisself took the mop and cleaned up the mess." contains an incorrect intensive pronoun ("hisself").
- "Because I studied, the test was no sweat." contains slang ("no sweat").
- "The amusement park was way cool!" contains slang ("way cool").
- "She couldn't hardly fit the book in her purse." contains a double negative ("couldn't hardly").
- "We didn't tell nobody about the broken window." contains a double negative ("didn't nobody").

To determine the presence of double negatives, incorrect intensive pronouns, or slang, you need to analyze the language used in each sentence. In these sentences, the identified elements do not follow standard grammar rules or formal language usage.

10. Today I learned some fascinating information about volcanoes! The molten magma erupts from the summit where it sometimes releases a violent explosion! The lava can have varying viscosity. These geological phenomena can cause significant destruction. However, they can also provide valuable insights.

To revise the sentences for a report, informal language is replaced with more formal vocabulary and jargon appropriate for the subject matter. The revised sentences maintain clarity and professionalism.