Choose the correct form for you think in Spanish when you are talking to one person.

• tú piensa
• tú piensas
• tú piensan
• tú pensamos

The correct form for "you think" in Spanish when you are talking to one person is "tú piensas."

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the verb conjugation for the pronoun "tú" with the verb "pensar" (to think) in the present tense.

The basic rule for conjugating regular -ar verbs like "pensar" in the present tense with "tú" is to remove the "-ar" ending of the verb and add the appropriate ending. For "tú," the ending is "-as."

Therefore, the correct conjugation for "tú" and "pensar" in the present tense is "tú piensas."

Let's break it down:
- "Tú" means "you" when talking to one person.
- "Pensar" means "to think."
- "Piensas" is the conjugated form of "pensar" for "tú."

So, in this case, the correct answer is "tú piensas."