At the Tourist Center at Boston

The poet identifies natural wonders such as ____.
green hills
wide oceans
many lakes*
rocky canyons
The photo of the family is portrayed as ____
true to life
The poet would like tourists to see her country's ______
families on camping trips
fish and birds
garbage and slush
mountains and lakes*
Which of the following is a clause fragment?
Who remembers what Coach told us last practice
Because of traffic, I arrived late
Which rarely happens*
I don't want my tardiness to affect whether I can be team captain
What is the tone of the following lines in At the Tourist Center in Boston?
I seem to rem

I seem to remember people,

at least in the cities, also slush,
machines and assorted garbage. Perhaps
that was my private mirage
which will just evaporate
when I go back.


Someone please check my answers.

ember Stanton as a string of green diamonds

Dreaming of Youyanshan before I knew what it was
Beginnings of buildings rising out of blank sky.

ain here

As a child who records her earlier place of birth, reaching
swimming lessons. Use
I remember the gown of my mother, a long one—
muslim material for summer.
Pleated on an old sewing machine, the thimble punctuating
each stitch next
making the going pattern, while
I watched, from another
new an saying more than
sit facefully executed
the she doing sitting on a rock
slam punning crying
plumes of sa has disintegrated
blow disjunk pebbles disjunct
toga again toga broken salita hurry now hurry.
nigil nothing waits for
the musty robes of autumn.