Click on the audio button below to listen to the Spanish words "De donde eres?". how would you say these Spanish words

A. who are you?
B what are you doing?
C where are you from?

To say the Spanish words "De donde eres?" in English, the correct translation is "Where are you from?" (option C). This phrase is commonly used to ask someone about their place of origin. To confirm this translation, you can take the following steps to verify:

1. Locate a reliable Spanish-English translation resource. You can use online dictionaries such as Google Translate, WordReference, or SpanishDict.
2. Enter the phrase "De donde eres?" into the search bar of the chosen translation resource.
3. Look for the English translation or definition provided by the resource.
4. Confirm that the translation or definition matches the phrase "Where are you from?".

By following these steps, you can independently verify the translation and be confident in providing the correct answer.