what fact best explains why it is significant that angelou's narrative is set in 1940

To understand why it is significant that Maya Angelou's narrative is set in 1940, we need to explore the historical context of that particular time period. Here's how you can go about finding the answer and gaining a broader understanding:

1. Begin by researching the life and works of Maya Angelou. Look for biographical information, her influences, and the themes she often explored in her writing. This will give you a good background on her as an author and the topics she was interested in.

2. Once you have gathered some background knowledge on Angelou, it's time to focus on the year 1940. Look for resources that discuss the historical events and social climate of that specific year. Consider looking into some key events that occurred during that time, such as World War II, the Great Depression, and the Civil Rights Movement.

3. Look for any specific references in Angelou's narrative to the year 1940. Examine the plot, characters, and themes of her work to understand why this particular year was chosen as the backdrop.

4. Analyze the potential significance of setting Angelou's narrative in 1940. Consider the impact of historical events on individuals' lives, experiences, and societal issues. Look for themes and messages related to racial inequality, gender roles, or any other social issues prevalent during that era.

By following these steps, you should gain a better understanding of why it is significant that Maya Angelou's narrative is set in 1940. Remember, exploring the author's background, examining the historical context, and analyzing the narrative itself will provide valuable insights into the significance of the chosen setting.