Choose which group of sets the following number belongs to. Be sure to account for ALL sets. 1

To determine which group of sets the number 1 belongs to, we need to consider all the relevant sets. In this case, there are several sets we can consider:

1. Natural Numbers (also known as counting numbers): This set includes positive whole numbers starting from 1 and going to infinity. Since 1 is a positive whole number, it belongs to this set.

2. Whole Numbers: This set includes all the natural numbers (positive whole numbers) along with zero. Since 1 is a positive whole number, it also belongs to the set of whole numbers.

3. Integers: This set includes all the positive and negative whole numbers along with zero. Given that 1 is a positive whole number, it is also an integer.

4. Rational Numbers: This set includes all numbers that can be expressed as a fraction, where the numerator and denominator are integers. Since the number 1 can be expressed as the fraction 1/1, it is a rational number.

5. Real Numbers: This set includes all rational numbers along with irrational numbers, which cannot be expressed as fractions. Since 1 is a rational number, it is also a real number.

6. Complex Numbers: This set includes all numbers in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit (√-1). As 1 can be written as 1 + 0i, it is considered a complex number.

In conclusion, the number 1 belongs to all the sets mentioned above: natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers.