Describe briefly how you would determine the relative density of kerosene using a relative density bottle

To determine the relative density of kerosene using a relative density bottle, follow these steps:

1. Start by cleaning and drying the relative density bottle to ensure accurate measurements.

2. Weigh the empty bottle using an analytical balance or an electronic balance with a high level of precision. Record the mass of the empty relative density bottle. Let's say it's B1 grams.

3. Fill the bottle with a known volume of distilled water. The volume should be such that the bottle is completely filled, without any air bubbles. Note down the volume of water used. Let's call it V1 mL.

4. Weigh the bottle with the water inside. Record the mass of the bottle filled with water. Let's say it's B2 grams.

5. Empty the bottle and dry it thoroughly.

6. Fill the bottle with kerosene up to the same volume used for water. Take care to avoid any air bubbles. Note down the volume of kerosene used. Let's call it V2 mL.

7. Weigh the bottle with the kerosene inside. Record the mass of the bottle filled with kerosene. Let's say it's B3 grams.

Now, we can calculate the relative density of kerosene using the following formula:

Relative Density of Kerosene = (B3 - B1) / (B2 - B1)

Note: Make sure to use consistent units for mass and volume (grams and milliliters) throughout the calculations.

By following these steps, you can determine the relative density of kerosene using a relative density bottle.