A baseball is acted upon by a single known force . From this information alone , can you tell in which direction the baseball is moving relative to some reference frame ?

No, we cannot determine the direction in which the baseball is moving relative to a reference frame based solely on the information that it is acted upon by a single known force. To determine the direction of motion, we need additional information such as the magnitude and direction of the force, as well as the mass of the baseball.

However, we can make some general observations. If the force applied on the baseball is in the same direction as its current motion, it will accelerate in that direction, increasing its speed. If the force is in the opposite direction, it will decelerate, slowing down or even stopping. If the force is perpendicular to the direction of motion, it may cause the baseball to change direction or follow a curved path.

To analyze the motion of the baseball in more detail, we would need to apply Newton's laws of motion and consider factors such as friction, air resistance, and any other forces acting on the ball.