what inovations did ancient mesopotamiens pass on to later civilizations? select all that apply

To determine what innovations ancient Mesopotamians passed on to later civilizations, we can refer to historical records and archaeological evidence. Here are several innovations from ancient Mesopotamia that were influential and passed on to later civilizations:

1. Writing System: The Mesopotamians developed one of the earliest writing systems known as cuneiform. This system, initially used for record-keeping, gradually evolved into a medium for literature, law, and administration. It was later adopted and adapted by other civilizations in the region.

2. Mathematics: Mesopotamians made significant mathematical advancements, including the development of a numeral system based on the number 60 (sexagesimal system). They also made progress in geometry and algebra, which later civilizations like the Greeks built upon.

3. Wheel and Axle: The Mesopotamians introduced the wheel and axle for transportation and engineering purposes. This invention revolutionized trade, warfare, and construction techniques. The concept of the wheel spread to other civilizations, leading to further technological advancements.

4. Calendar System: Ancient Mesopotamians developed a lunar-based calendar system, dividing the year into 12 months, with each month consisting of 29 or 30 days. Later civilizations, such as the Babylonians and Greeks, adopted and modified this calendar system.

5. Legal Code: Hammurabi, the Babylonian king, established one of the earliest known legal codes, known as the Code of Hammurabi. This code influenced later legal systems by setting rules and punishments for various offenses while emphasizing concepts like justice and fairness.

6. Urban Planning and Architecture: The Mesopotamians were skilled urban planners and architects, establishing complex cities with organized street systems, large palaces, temples, and ziggurats. These architectural innovations inspired later civilizations in the region, such as the Assyrians and Persians.

7. Irrigation Systems: To maximize agricultural productivity, ancient Mesopotamians developed advanced irrigation techniques, involving canals, dams, and water reservoirs. These ingenious methods were passed on to other civilizations, contributing to the growth of agricultural settlements worldwide.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, but it highlights some of the key innovations passed on from ancient Mesopotamians to later civilizations.