Which of the following insects behaviors is similar to one of the functions of a worker honeybee

To identify which of the following insect behaviors is similar to one of the functions of a worker honeybee, you will need to compare the options with the known behaviors of worker honeybees.

Worker honeybees are responsible for various tasks within the hive, including:

1. Foraging: Worker honeybees collect nectar and pollen from flowers and bring them back to the hive.

2. Nest maintenance: They build and repair honeycombs within the hive.

3. Feeding the brood: Worker honeybees tend to the developing larvae and feed them with a mixture of pollen and nectar known as "bee bread."

4. Cleaning: They keep the hive clean by removing debris, dead bees, and other waste materials.

5. Defense: Worker honeybees protect the hive from intruders, including other insects or animals.

Now, let's compare the behaviors of the following insects to those of worker honeybees:

a) Ants: Ant workers similarly forage for food, communicate with other members of the colony, and tend to the young.

b) Butterflies: Unlike worker honeybees, butterflies typically focus on nectar collection and pollination, rather than performing various tasks within a communal hive.

c) Wasps: While certain wasp species have worker-like individuals, their behavior differs from worker honeybees. They typically forage for food, build nests, and care for their young.

d) Beetles: Most beetles do not exhibit behaviors similar to worker honeybees. They have diverse feeding habits and lifestyles, which may or may not involve communal tasks.

Based on the comparison, the insect behavior most similar to that of a worker honeybee is "a) Ants." Like worker honeybees, ant workers engage in foraging, nest maintenance, nurturing the young, and defense within their colony or nest.