Thabo's age 6 year's ago.

We cannot determine Thabo's age 6 years ago without any information about his current age or any other information related to his age. Please provide more information or the context.

To find out Thabo's age 6 years ago, you would need to know his current age or the year in which you are referring to. Let's assume Thabo's current age is x.

To calculate Thabo's age 6 years ago, you would subtract 6 from his current age:
Age 6 years ago = x - 6

For example, if Thabo is currently 20 years old, his age 6 years ago would be:
Age 6 years ago = 20 - 6 = 14

If you have the current year and Thabo's birth year, you can also calculate his age by subtracting his birth year from the current year minus 6.

For example, if Thabo was born in 2000 and the current year is 2022:
Age 6 years ago = (2022 - 6) - 2000 = 2016 - 2000 = 16 years old

So, without knowing either Thabo's current age or the year in question, it is not possible to determine his age 6 years ago accurately.

To calculate Thabo's age 6 years ago, we need to know his current age. Can you please provide Thabo's current age?