Find a number less than 100 that is increase by one fifth of the value when it digit are reverse

6/5 (10 t + u) = 10 u + t

60 t + 6 u = 50 u + 5 t

55 t = 44 u ... 5 t = 4 u

45 looks good

pls can someone help me


To find the number that meets the given conditions, we need to follow these steps:

1. Start with a number less than 100.
2. Reverse the digits of the number.
3. Add one-fifth of the original number to the reversed number.
4. Check if the result is less than 100.
5. If the result is less than 100, we have found the number.

Let's go through the steps:

1. Start with a number less than 100. Let's try 36.
2. Reverse the digits of the number. Reversing 36 gives us 63.
3. Add one-fifth of the original number to the reversed number. One-fifth of 36 is 7.2. Adding 7.2 to 63 gives us 70.2.
4. Check if the result is less than 100. In this case, 70.2 is less than 100.
5. We have found the number that meets the given conditions: 36.

So, the number less than 100 that, when its digits are reversed and added to one-fifth of the original number, is still less than 100, is 36.