Example of how gbv has displayed itself in your community (2019-2021)

To find an example of how gender-based violence (GBV) has displayed itself in your community between 2019 and 2021, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather local news sources: Look for local news websites, newspapers, or TV stations that cover incidents and issues in your community. These sources often report on cases of GBV.

2. Use a search engine: Use a search engine like Google and enter relevant keywords, such as "gender-based violence [your community name] 2019-2021." This will help you find news articles, reports, or studies specifically related to GBV in your community during the given period.

3. Check official reports: Visit the website of local law enforcement agencies, government organizations, or NGOs that work on tackling GBV. They may provide statistics, reports, or resources related to GBV incidents in your community.

4. Seek community-based organizations: Look for organizations in your community that specifically address GBV issues. Visit their websites or social media pages to find public statements, testimonials, or campaigns related to local incidents of GBV.

5. Engage with local community members: Talk to people in your community, such as neighbors, friends, or advocates who may have knowledge or personal experiences with GBV incidents. You can also participate in local community events or meetings where discussions about GBV occur.

Remember that GBV is a sensitive and serious issue. When referring to cases or stories, always consider the privacy and confidentiality of individuals involved.