What are the irony and symbolism used in the sotry The white knight by Eric Nicol?

To identify the irony and symbolism used in the story "The White Knight" by Eric Nicol, you can approach the analysis in a few steps:

1. Read the story: Start by reading the story attentively to understand its plot, characters, and overall themes. Pay close attention to details and recurring symbols.

2. Identify the irony: Irony is a literary device that uses contradictory or incongruous statements or situations to create an effect. Look for instances in the story where there is a gap between what is expected or intended and what actually happens. Note any moments of verbal irony (sarcasm or understatement) or situational irony (when actions have a different outcome than expected).

3. Identify the symbolism: Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. Look for recurring objects, settings, or characters that have deeper meanings beyond their literal representation. Symbols often contribute to the story's themes or help convey abstract concepts.

4. Analyze the author's intent: Consider the author's purpose in using irony and symbolism in the story. Think about how these devices enhance or deepen the overall meaning of the text. Look for connections between the ironic and symbolic elements and the story's themes or messages.

Remember, analyzing literature is subjective, so different readers might interpret the irony and symbolism in unique ways. It's important to provide evidence from the text to support your analysis and consider different perspectives.