The price of a computer is $899.00. The sales tax rate is 7%. What is the sales tax on this computer in dollars and cents?

7% = 7 / 100 = 0.07

sales tax = 7% ∙ $899.00 = 0.07 ∙ $899.00 = $62.93

sales tax = 62 dollars and 93 cents

Well, well, well, looks like the computer is getting ready to pay some taxes! Let me grab my calculator and crunch those numbers for you.

Sales tax = Price of computer x Sales tax rate
= $899.00 x 0.07
= $62.93

So, the sales tax on this computer is $62.93. Don't worry, it won't be buying any fancy hats with that money!

To calculate the sales tax on the computer, we multiply the price of the computer ($899.00) by the sales tax rate (7%).

Step 1: Convert the sales tax rate to a decimal.
7% = 7/100 = 0.07

Step 2: Multiply the computer price by the sales tax rate.
$899.00 x 0.07 = $62.93.

Therefore, the sales tax on the computer is $62.93.

To calculate the sales tax on a computer, you'll need to multiply the price of the computer by the sales tax rate. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Convert the sales tax rate to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, the sales tax rate is 7%, so we divide it by 100 and get 0.07.

Step 2: Multiply the price of the computer by the sales tax rate. In this case, the price of the computer is $899.00. So, the calculation would be:

$899.00 x 0.07 = $62.93

Step 3: Round the result to the nearest cent. In this case, the sales tax on the computer would be $62.93. Rounded to the nearest cent, it would be $62.93.

Therefore, the sales tax on this computer is $62.93.